Tag: StreamsOfLife

  • Trust in God Service

    All Are Welcome! Our Community, Especially Our Children, are Indicators of Christs Presence.  Introduction: 250216 Year C Epiphany Week Six Trust in God Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the Missional Community  You may worship with us Saturdays and Holidays at 5:00 pm, and Sundays and Holidays at 11:00 am. Spirit of Peace Church 303 W…

  • Abundance Service

    All Are Welcome! Our Community, Especially Our Children, are Indicators of Christs Presence.  Introduction: 250209 Year C Epiphany Week Five Abundance Leadership Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the Missional Community  You may worship with us Saturdays and Holidays at 5:00 pm, and Sundays and Holidays at 11:00 am. Spirit of Peace Church 303 W Maple…

  • Presentation of Christ Service

    All Are Welcome! Our Community, Especially Our Children, are Indicators of Christs Presence.  Introduction: 250202 Year C Epiphany Week Four What Significance is the Presentation of Christ to you? Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the Missional Community  You may worship with us Saturdays and Holidays at 5:00 pm, and Sundays and Holidays at 11:00 am.…

  • Teachings of Jesus Service

    All Are Welcome! Our Community, Especially Our Children, are Indicators of Christs Presence.  Introduction: 250126 Year C Epiphany Teachings of Christ What Significance are the Teachings of Christ to you? Prophet Nehemiah, Ezra reads the Law.  David, The commandments give light to the eyes.  Paul, Corinthians, You are the Body of Christ.  Luke, Jesus reads the prophet Isaiah. …

  • Biblical Wedding Service

    All Are Welcome! Our Community, Especially Our Children, are Indicators of Christs Presence.  Introduction: 250119 Year C Epiphany Biblical Wedding What Significance is a Wedding to you? Prophet Isaiah, God like the bridegroom and the bride.  David, We feast on the abundance of God’s house.  Paul, Corinthians, A variety of gifts but one Spirit.  John, The wedding at Cana.  https://www.youtube.com/live/bLi-UIUuwe8?si=hyaE47pUTxCYWWjp…

  • Baptism of Our Lord Service

    All Are Welcome! Our Community, Especially Our Children, are Indicators of Christs Presence.  Introduction: 250112 Year C Epiphany Baptism of Our Lord Focus: What Significance is the Baptism of the Lord to You?  Renewal of Our Baptismal Vows. Prophet Isaiah, Passing through the waters.  David, The voice of God upon the waters.  Peter, Acts, Prayer for the Holy Spirit. …

  • LCMC Three Days of Prayer

    Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ LCMC  Martin Luther said in his book, A Simple Way to Pray:  “We must see to it that we do not lose the habit of prayer and deceive ourselves into thinking that other kinds of things are more important, when they are not.” I would like to invite our over…

  • Epiphany Service

    All Are Welcome! Our Community, Especially Our Children, are Indicators of Christs Presence.  Introduction: 250105 Year C Epiphany Focus: How Do You Experience Twelve Days of Christmas?  Prophet Jeremiah, Nations come to the light.  David, All shall bow down.  Paul, Ephesians, The gospel’s promise for all.  Matthew, Christ revealed to the nations.  Pastors Michael and Cathy Hanus and the…

  • First Sunday after Christmas Service

    All Are Welcome! Our Community, Especially Our Children, are Indicators of Christs Presence.  Introduction: 241229 Year C First Sunday after Christmas Focus: How Do You Experience Twelve Days of Christmas?  Prophet Samuel, Samuel grew in favor with all.  David, God’s splendor is over earth and heaven.  Paul, Colossians, Clothe yourselves in love.  Luke, Jesus increased in favor with all. …

  • Christmas Service

    All Are Welcome! Our Community, Especially Our Children, are Indicators of Christs Presence.  Introduction: 241225 Year C Christmas Focus: How Do You Experience Christmas?  Prophet Isaiah, A child is born for us.  David, Let the earth be glad.   Pauline Epistle with Titus, a Gentile convert, The grace of God has appeared.  Luke, God with us.  Pastors Michael and…